6 Results found for "reorganize oneself".


historic mi riorganizzài, past participle riorganizzàto) to reorganize, to get oneself reorganized     Conjugation of riorganizzàrsi (-are) (See Appendix:Italian...


shita)) remodel 住宅(じゅうたく)を改造(かいぞう)する jūtaku o kaizō suru remodel a house reorganize, reshuffle Conjugation of "改造する" (See Appendix:Japanese verbs.) ⇒ English:...

shut down

or an aspect of one's personality or identity). She made a proposal to reorganize the department, but management shut her down. 2024 March 1, F1NN5TER,...


même chose) (“the more things change, the more they stay the same”) reorganization transformation   John A. Simpson and Edmund S. C. Weiner, editors (1989)...


approve of or assent to. After those modifications, the Board blessed the reorganization plan. curse condemn (antonym(s) of “programming”): unbless bebless blessability...


of Government change, a process in which the Government of Australia reorganizes the responsibilities and structure of the government. 2013 October 1...